Our aim is, to support you as real estate agency or agent with listing ready properties to increase your own portfolio or to have other options, if you don´t have the right property for a client in your own portfolio, where you receive a higher commission than sharing a sale with another agent or agency.
And this is how we support you:
- Providing listing ready properties with high quality photos, property details and descriptions
- Providing complete documentation including blank window cards and exposes in at least in 3 languages
- Organizing an Open House so you can get familiar with the property
- Organization of viewings and preparation of the property before a viewing so that your clients always find a well prepared house
The informations about our properties are available only to real estate professionals. To access detailed information on this website, you have to sign up, and create your personal account by » registering «. Once your account has been approved by PLS, you will receive an confirmation email and have immediately access to detailed information and pictures of all our properties.