Our Services for Property Owners

Our aim is, to support you as property owner to be able to sell your property as fast as possible. It is easy understandable that, the more your property is present in the market, the more potential buyers will see it and this shortens the time until YOUR buyer appears.

A short example: Lets say every 2,000 contacts you can generate 1 lead and you need 15 leads to generate 1 potential buyer. Also it´s probable that you need to negotiate with 5 potential buyers until your property finally is sold. Your agency generates 3,000 contacts per week. So they generate 1,5 leads per weeks, meanings it takes 10 weeks until the first potential buyer appears. After 5 negotiations nearly one year has passed. Involving two agencies will not result in sale within half a year, because of some intersections, but it shortens the time significantly.

Ok, and now imagine 20 agencies offering your property. Minus intersections they might have 20,000 real contacts per week generating 10 leads. Within two months you will negotiate with the fifth buyer and your property can be sold. There are a lot more influencing factors, but the principle is evident: more offer -> more contacts -> less time until sale.

And this is how we support you:

  • Personal listing consultation
  • Evaluation of the market in your area
  • Taking professional photographs of your property
  • Preparing complete documentation including window cards and exposes at least in 3 languages for the real estate agencies
  • Market your property to Real Estate Agents
  • Organizing an Open House for Real Estate Agents
  • Organization of client viewings in accordance with the property owner
  • Preparation of the property before viewings with clients,
  • Realization of viewings with agencies clients
  • Reporting afterwards to the property owner
  • Regular reporting about all activities

If you like to know more about us, click here. We will be pleased to arrange an appointment with you.

Our Address:
Marbella Business Centre, Aptdo. 120
Av. de las Cumbres, s/n
29604 Marbella (Málaga), Spain
Hours of Operation:
Mon. to Fri. 9am to 6pm
Weekends 9am to 12am
Tel.: +34 646 626 134

PLS - Property Listing Service

PLS is NOT a real estate agent. PLS is a key holder and listing service, which means that PLS is hired by property owners to list their property with all reputable brokers and real estate agencies in the PLS service area and to organize, hold and assist personally within 24h the viewings requested by the agencies.

What is the difference to a conventional agency? PLS provides the collaborating brokers and agencies with all statutory sales documentation as well as professional property descriptions and photographs. PLS plans, organizes and conducts the viewings professionally. Thus, real estate offered through PLS, has a significantly higher presence in the real estate market and are seen by many more potential buyers. This significantly shortens the time between the first offering on the market to the time of sale.

You as the owner do not have to worry about anything until the sale.